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Zygoma / Zygomatic bone

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The zygoma, also called the zygoma, is a prominent bone of the facial skull that plays a vital role in facial structure and aesthetics. It forms the lateral and upper part of the cheeks and is a crucial bone in creating the orbital rim and midface.


The zygomatic bone is connected to several other bones of the face, including the upper jaw (maxilla), the temporal bone (temporalis), the frontal bone (frontalis), and the pterygoid bone (sphenoid). These connections contribute to the strength and stability of the facial skeleton.


The cheekbone plays an essential role in supporting the eye socket and midface. It also helps define the shape of the face and serves as an attachment point for various facial muscles.

Illnesses and Injuries:

The cheekbone can be affected by various injuries, especially fractures. Fractures of the zygomatic bone often occur due to sports injuries, traffic accidents or falls. They can affect facial symmetry and lead to functional disorders such as vision problems and limited jaw mobility.

Diagnosis and treatment:

The diagnosis of cheekbone fractures is made through clinical examination and imaging techniques such as X-rays, digital volume tomography (DVT) or computed tomography (CH). Treatment depends on the severity of the fracture. It can range from conservative measures such as pain management and a bland diet to surgical procedures to restore facial form and function.

The cheekbone is a central part of facial anatomy and aesthetics. Injury or disease to this bone can significantly impact the appearance and function of the face, making appropriate medical care critical.

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