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Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deformed or deviated nasal septum. The nasal septum, also known as the septum, is the cartilaginous and bony partition that divides the nasal cavity in half. Deformation of the nasal septum can affect nasal breathing and lead to various problems.

Causes of a deviated nasal septum:

A deviated nasal septum can be congenital or caused by trauma, such as a broken nasal bone. Sometimes it also develops during growth.


A deviated nasal septum can lead to obstructed nasal breathing, recurrent sinus infections, nosebleeds, snoring and sleep disorders. In some cases, headaches and facial pain may also occur.


Diagnosis of a deviated nasal septum is usually made through a physical examination, which often includes an endoscopic examination of the nose. Imaging procedures such as digital volume tomography (DVT) and computed tomography (CT) can, in some cases, enable a more precise assessment.


Septoplasty involves making incisions inside the nose to access the septum. The surgeon removes or alters deformed cartilage and/or bone portions to straighten the septum and improve nasal breathing. A successful septoplasty can significantly improve nasal breathing and reduce associated symptoms such as headaches and sinus infections. Patients often report an improvement in sleep quality and general well-being.

Septoplasty is a relatively standard and safe procedure that can significantly relieve patients with a deviated nasal septum and its associated symptoms.

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