Snoring can be challenging for relationships | Clinic Profilance Zurich
Did you know that snoring therapy is available from a single source?
The benefits of snoring therapy at Clinic Profilance
What is lipofilling?
Our new method for natural radiance!
Ansicht des Ärztehauses Fluntern Interdiziplinäre Schnarch Sprechstunde ¦ Clinic Profilance
What added value does an interdisciplinary sleep consultation offer for snoring patients?
Medicine as a team: Your sleep benefits from the combined expertise in sleep medicine, ENT, dentistry and maxillo-facial surgery
Is Botox toxic?
Safety and myths surrounding the world-famous neurotoxin
Korrekturmöglichkeiten bei Gesichtsasymetrie Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
What can I do about asymmetry?
Correction options through modern facial surgery
How do I recognize inflammation of the jawbone?
A visit to the doctor is strongly recommended if there is any suspicion
Zusammenhang Kieferbeschwerden und Migräne Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
What do my jaw problems have to do with migraines?
Temporomandibular joint problems and migraines: a common connection
Can I combine Botox and Fillers?
Two complementary treatments that can complement each other well
What is a beautiful nose?
The aesthetics of a beautiful nose: an insight from facial surgery
Kiefergelenksbeschwerden Physio oder Schiene Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
What helps better with jaw joint problems: a splint or physiotherapy?
In many cases, the combination leads to success
My jaw cracks. Is it dangerous?
In many cases, a harmless symptom
When does a nose clip work?
About the effectiveness of nasal dilators and nasal supports
Schlaflosigkeit in der Nacht - Wann ist Schnarchen gefährlich Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
When is snoring dangerous?
Stopped breathing as a crucial indication of sleep apnea
When is surgery better than CPAP therapy for sleep apnea?
Surgical interventions as an alternative to CPAP therapy
Nasenschiefstand nach Unfall Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
Crooked nose after an accident, what now?
Conservative and surgical interventions
How is facial asymmetry treated after an accident?
Surgical correction of zygomatic arch displacements and diplopia
What can I do about my excruciating facial pain?
Options for treating nerve injuries after an accident
Fehlbiss Kieferchirurgie Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
When is a malocclusion a case for jaw surgery?
Complex dysgnathia requires surgical intervention
Optimal bite – optimal profile?
About the correct alignment and interaction of the upper and lower jaw
How do you operate on inflammation of the jawbone?
Surgical intervention for osteomyelitis of the jaw
Gesichtsfeminisierung Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
What is important in facial feminization?
Facial feminization: key elements for a successful transformation
Как долго действует ботокс? | Clinic Profilance Zurich
How long does Botox last?
Refresher after three to six months
What are the consequences of untreated tooth misalignment?
Misaligned teeth are more than just a cosmetic problem
How does jawbone inflammation occur?
Bacteria, diabetes, or medications as possible triggers
Can snoring be operated on?
Surgical interventions against noise at night
Augenlidstraffung Clinic Profilance Mund Kiefer Gesicht Zurich Fluntern
When should I have an eyelid lift?
The right time for blepharoplasty depends on your personal feeling
How important is nasal breathing?
Nose and mouth breathing are not equivalent